SOW : Core Plugins

SOW = Step Of Web (Smarty author).
SOW plugins are part of Smarty Core, written from scratch!

SOW : Google Font

Yes, that's it!
<h1 data-gfont="Courgette">That's it!</h1>
Any Google Font!

No more wasting time adding new Google font links to each page, creating css, uploading to webserver and throwing your laptop out to the window!
You need to know a font name and 13 characters: data-gfont="" Bang! Nothing more! Is instant, just add data-gfont attribute anywhere on the page!
This plugin is part of Smarty core (under 1Kb gzipped)! The new google option "variable fonts" is also supported!

See it used as a template!


data-gfont="..." attribute can be added to any element (including <body>)!
The font name MUST be exactly as it is on Google Fonts, including spaces!

<h1 data-gfont="Open Sans">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Dosis">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Poppins">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Cantarell">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Satisfy">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Saira Stencil One">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Titillium Web">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Mali">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
<h1 data-gfont="Courgette">Smarty Reborn : v3</h1>
View Google Fonts


	one or more font weight 
`;` separator is required!
In most cases, only "400" weight is enough!

	Not really needed! But is here!
	"swap" is used by default!